Tisha B'Av

    07.25.23 | Stories, Articles

    Thursday marks Tisha B’Av, literally translated to the "ninth of Av" on the Hebrew calendar. For centuries, on this day Jews mourned, fasted, and read the Book of Lamentations to honor the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem.

    Judaism understands the Temples' destruction as a pivotal turning point. Before Tisha B’Av, Jewish ritual practices revolved around the Temple in Jerusalem. When it was destroyed, Jews were forced to seek new ways to pray and connect with God, which opened the door for the creation of local synagogues such as our beloved Temple Judea – a beit k'nesset, house of gathering, where we are able to pray, connect, celebrate, and learn together as a community.

    At this moment, the destruction of the Temples is particularly resonant: The Rabbis teach us that the Temples fell due to Jewish infighting and division. Yesterday, the Israeli government passed a bill to limit the Supreme Court’s power despite six months of massive protest. This divisive judicial overhaul weakens both Israel and the Jewish community, especially amid the rising tide of anti-Semitism. But fear not! Tisha B’Av also reminds us of our collective strength and resilience. Amidst hatred and division, we unite as a Jewish community, embracing compassionate justice, connection, and love.

    This Tisha B’Av, let's draw from our history and stand strong together. We invite you to experience this upcoming Shabbat with us at our beit k'nesset. Let Rabbi Aaronson inspire us as we reflect on recent events and turn our beloved Temple into a sacred space, empowering us to face challenges united!

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