Mitzvah Day

    05.16.23 | Stories, Articles

    Get ready to roll up your sleeves and turn your Jewish values into action because Mitzvah Day is coming! This opportunity only comes once a year, and it’s not just for Social Action committee members - EVERYONE is invited to come and participate!  Mitzvah Day is a chance to get together with your Temple Judea family for fun with a purpose. 

    With social action projects and donation collections focused on the core Jewish values of giving kindness without expectation of reward (gemilut hasadim), service (sherut), repairing the world (tikkun olam), and promoting justice for all (tzedek), we can show that every person matters and is a vital participant in the world we are building together.

    Donate non-perishable food items (no glass), new adult socks, new or gently used books, and old t-shirts to be repurposed for local animal shelters. You can donate blood with the Red Cross too, or sign up ahead of time. Unable to attend in person? You can still make a difference by donating funds to purchase school supplies for children experiencing homelessness. 

    But that's not all! At 10:30am the 7th graders will be presenting their final tzedek projects in the Social Hall. These young leaders have worked hard throughout the year to explore various social justice issues and identify ways to make a positive impact in the world. They'll be sharing their experiences and insights, making this a fantastic opportunity to engage in meaningful, multi-generational conversations about social justice.

    By joining together in these mitzvot, Temple Judea will make a powerful impact. Religious school families are invited to kick things off at 10am in the Goor Sanctuary. Mitzvah Day activities will commence at 10:30am.  Let's spread love and light in the world, one mitzvah at a time. See you there!

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