Happy Chanukah

    12.20.22 | Stories, Articles

    The Festival of Lights beckons us to draw nearer - to the warmth of the flames, to our Jewish community, and to our favorite food traditions like latkes and soufganiyot. Though Chanukah is considered a minor holiday (it’s not mentioned in the Torah), it has become significant for North American Jews, reflecting our acculturation in the 19th and 20th centuries. And why shouldn't it? Chanukah celebrates Jewish strength and victory against overwhelming odds, an adamant refusal to submit to oppression, and a fierce embrace of our identity. So as we light the candles each night, basking in the expanding glow from the menorah, let’s remember the literal meaning of Chanukah - dedication - and rededicate ourselves to that legendary strength of spirit and selfhood. Wishing a chag Chanukah sameach to all!

    Be sure to watch our social media for flashback photos of Chanukah (like the one above from 2021)! Share your TJ pics 'n vids with our Program Director Rachel Cohen:  . Happy Chanukah!

    Please note that our administration offices, including the ECC, will be closed December 26 - January 1, 2023. (This does not affect Winter Camp Sababa.)

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