Full Season Ahead with Women of Temple Judea & TJ Brotherhood

    02.13.24 | Stories, News, Articles

    In an age dominated by screens and swipes, finding authentic connections and cherishing real-life moments is essential. Enter Temple Judea’s TJ Brotherhood and Women of Temple Judea - lively "IRL" hubs where laughter, learning, friendship, and community thrive. From hosting standout events to offering steadfast support, these groups bridge generations and foster bonds that last a lifetime.  

    Get ready to spice up your February with events like WTJ’s sold-out and rescheduled Love Bingo event on February 22, featuring the fabulous Bingo Boy in a red-themed night that will raise awareness for American Heart Month and help support TJ’s ECC. Then, mark your calendars for February 28, as we dive into the glitz and glamour of Hollywood at the Sixth Almost-Annual Oscars Night, where experts Nicole Sperling of the NY Times, Glenn Whipp of the LA Times, and moderator David Daniel will dish on this year’s nominees. 

    The outstanding events continue in March with WTJ’s Sharsheret Women’s Health Night on March 6, featuring Dr. Taaly Silberstein, a Tarzana board certified OBGYN, and Jessica Quellar, TJ Member and author of the acclaimed memoir Pretty is What Changes. They’ll share personal insights and updates on cancer research, treatment, and genetic testing, followed by a sweet opportunity to bake some babka. Register quickly to grab your seat as there is limited space for the baking part of the evening! Next, stay tuned for a unique Brotherhood Men’s Passover Seder on April 9 and two very special retreats  - one for the women and one for the men, both in May.

    Of course, at Temple Judea, we know it’s not just about big events. Our Brotherhood and WTJ offer monthly meetups for Rosh Chodesh and opportunities to just grab lunch with the guys, ensuring there's always an easy way to connect. And, if you just want to reach out to a new friend, you can flip through the Annual Membership Directory, coming your way this month courtesy of the Brotherhood. So participate in an upcoming TJ Brotherhood or WTJ event and experience the connection and camaraderie firsthand!

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