Arizona Immigration Justice Trip - 8th & 9th Grades 

Students in grades 8 & 9 are invited to participate in an Arizona Immigration Justice Trip, November 9-12, 2023. Temple Judea is partnering with Tzedek America as we visit Phoenix, Tucson, and the border town of Nogales, Arizona, on this impactful immigration justice program. Teens will meet with organizations and people directly addressing the migration issues and enforcing the flow of migrants from Mexico to the United States. We meet with activists, homeland security agents, border patrol, retired border patrol, humanitarians, and state officials. The goal is to give a complete picture of the complex and layered issue of immigration in our country. 

Listening to the experiences of immigrants was an experience I wouldn’t give up for my life. This trip wasn’t about fighting for or against immigration. It was a chance for us to experience freedom of opinion based on the information we learned. And this is the most powerful freedom of all. –Past Participant

Watch an informational video

Registration – Total cost includes all programming, accommodations, airfare, and food in Arizona. Scholarships available upon request.